Me as a young pup!

Me as a young pup!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Birthday!!!!

Today is my Birthday and I am turning 1. My first year of life has been everything I could ask for. I have a great parents and a great home and I always have a lot of fun. We are going to celebrate my birthday this weekend as my parents are busy with work. They are promising me good presents. I am very excited to see what they are going to get me. Maybe a bike???? Last night they let me sleep in the bed with them. I decided to take it one step further and sleep inside the covers. I really love doing this. It is so warm and cozy. Most definitely one of my favorite things to do.

Around midnight I decided to stand up on the end of the bed and bark. Wanted to wake up my parents to let them know that it was indeed my birthday. I just couldn't wait, and once I saw the clock strike 12:00am, I knew it was time to celebrate.

Below is my birthday picture. Enjoy! And don't forget to wish me Happy Birthday and get me lots of presents!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

My First Photo

I decided to add this photo so that all of you will think I am so cute and probably comment on how cute I am. This was my first documented photo, that I remember at least. This was at the house where I was born with my real Mom and Dad.

But since then I have moved on to a great home with my human Mom and Dad. I love them. They take great care of me.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Brother or Sister?

So the other day I was going through some of my dads things and came across his phone and noticed some pictures of other puppies on there. What does this mean. Am I going to get a new brother or sister? How am I supposedto feel about that. I love all of the attention I get as an only puppy. I am not sure if there is room for two of us. Here are a couple of the images I found. I guess you can be the judge, and if you find out please let me know.
Ok, while making this blog I just learned about some breaking news. I am not getting a new brother or sister. I am getting a new friend, well technically a cousin. My Dad's Sister and her husband are the ones getting the dog. Here is a picture of her. Her name is Milly. I can't wait to meet my new friend.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shout out to my Mommy!

Some of you may not know, but my Mommy is out of town. She left early Thursday morning and is coming home late Saturday night. I am having a boys weekend with my Dad. This is full of relaxing and watching sports. It is just not the same without Mom. I can't wait to see her. I miss her so much. I have been fortunate to talk to her on the phone though. I have talked to her on speaker phone with Dad. I get so excited when I hear her voice, I just can't figure out where it is coming from. It is magic!

Mom, I hope you haven't forgot about me.....because I have definitely not forgot about you. Come home so we can play, run, and cuddle. I have attached a couple of pictures of me and you so you won't forget my little face.

Love you Mom!

My New Morning Game

I am not a fan of being sent to my room when my parents have to work. And I will do everything in my power to avoid being sent to my room.

One of the first things I will do is run and hide under the dinning table. It usually takes them a couple of seconds to find me down here. Once they finally locate me it is on to my next spot.

I will slip out one of the cracks between the chairs and run and nuzzle myself in the corner between the wall and the door so that they can't pick me up and force me to move.

Once they finally coax me out of this corner and I start heading down the hallway toward my kennel I have a secret plan up my sleeve. At this point they think I am going to be a good little boy and go right into my kennel. Well Mom and Dad, jokes on you. I am going to juke left and jump up on your guys' bed and snuggle up on your pillows. I now look so cute that they won't want to put me in my kennel for the day.

But unfortunately my freedom on the bed ends and I get placed in the kennel for the day. But this is ok, because I know Mom and Dad love me and will be home to see me, and play with me, and feed me, and pet me, and cuddle me.

And in the end, I am really the one that wins. Last night Dad went and bought me a nice big bone to chew on. I got my parents wrapped around my little paws.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feeding Frenzy...........Or Mealtime Torture

What they thought would be fun and entertaining was a really annoying dinner for me. Took me about a half hour to eat my dinner. What's with that Mom & Dad?!?!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Life is so Precious

To most people this looks like a tiny twig. It can float in water, fly when it is thrown, but it can also take a pup to the vet on an emergency visit (you may notice the red blood on the right side of the stick).

Yesterday when my Mom and Dad came home my Dad took me out to go play fetch with my cool glow in the dark ball. We tried to stop by our normal spot but for some reason there were kids playing soccer on the field. We had to go with Plan B......The Ballard Community Center Fields. This is a much bigger area but has more things that I get distracted with (people walking across the fields, sticks, rocks, etc.) After fetching the ball about five times distraction started getting the best of me. So many sticks to choose from that I can pick up and run around the field with. I found the perfect stick and began chewing it and it broke in pieces pretty easily, which led to an uh-oh moment.

I started gagging and dry heaving and pawing at my mouth. My dad reached his hand in my mouth to try to pull it out. This led me to throw up a little but that still didn't help. This thing was still lodged in my mouth. We decided to run home, hoping mom would be there to help and to examine the problem in better light.

At home Dad was able to see the problem. This stick (pictured above) was wedged in between my teeth at the roof of my mouth. I couldn't get it out. I have no thumbs! So Dad opened my mouth and began to tug at it, but this hurt and I accidentally bit him (sorry Dad). So there was nothing left to do. I thought I was going to have this in my mouth forever. After a quick phone call to Mom, we came up with the solution, The Vet! I was a little nervous about this idea. I thought this would result in me having to wear a cone around my head for 10 days.

Once we got to the vet it only took about 3 minutes in the back room before they had removed the stick from my mouth. I felt so much better. What a pain that was. I am so thankful for all of my Dad's efforts. He saved my life!

Here is a picture of me at home checking out the thing that created so much annoyance and pain for me. It looked so good that I wanted to chew it up again.

And below is me recovering with my Mom. Mom's always know the best way of making me feel better.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Mornings

When my parents have to work we have a normal routine in the mornings. My Mom and Dad alternate days on who has to get up with me, take me potty, feed me, and take me potty again. I guess I didn't realize I was this high maintenance. Oh well, it works for me. No complaints here. On some mornings when they are getting ready I like to jump in bed and try to look my cutest in hopes of them staying home with me. Today I tried to hide from them so I could be a free pup and hangout all day.

Full body shot. Tried to get my whole body under the covers so they couldn't find me. My tail gives me away every time.

Almost all the way under the covers.

I have been caught!

After being found I met Mom in the kitchen. She gave me a pep talk about the day. Told me everything would be alright and that they would be home as soon as they can to play. I love my parents.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My First Operation

My first operation took place when I was only 5 months old. It was time for me to get neutered. My folks were big fans of Price is Right and Bob Barker's famous tag line at the end of his show ("And remember folks, have your pets spayed or neutered."). I went into the Vets office with no idea what was about to take place. I had so much energy in the morning. I was going on a field trip and was not spending the day at home in my kennel. Well, it was a field trip alright. One that left me completely wiped out.

At the vet I got puppy drugs that made me feel really good. The vet lady called me a light weight. I am still unsure as to what that means. I just knew that I was flying. I was having lots and lots of fun until I had this plastic cone placed around my head.

This thing was sure obnoxious. My parents thought I was so cute in it. But I couldn't get from Point A to Point B without running into something or knocking something over. It was so uncomfortable and unpractical. And the worst thing is I had to wear this thing for 10 days until my sutures dissolved. This was the worst 10 days of my life.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Before I get into this post, I want to apologize for my absence on filling you in on my life. I have been suffering from writers cramp the last few days. It is extremely hard to type when you have no thumbs, or fingers that can move independent of one another. But this post is dedicated to my education. My parents thought it would be a good idea to get me into puppy school as a young lad so I could learn some good behaviors. After taking the class I would have to agree with them. I learned several different things at school.

This picture is of me on my way to my last day of school aka Graduation. I am not sure if you can tell by looking in my eyes, but I was a nervous wreck. I knew I had to bring my "A" game to get my diploma. I was doing extremely well in the following subjects: Sit & Lay, Stay & Come, Walking on leash, and not getting too excited when people approach me. By the sounds of this I sound like a 4.0 student. Well I did have a flaw. I was a big bully during puppy play time. I didn't like other youngsters getting all up in my business when it was play time. During these lessons I mostly heard, "No Flynn," "Too bad," or "That's enough puppy play time." And during these sessions I spent most of my time being picked up by my teacher until I calmed down. I just didn't understand how I could be failing Play Time. But thankfully as time went on I slowly and surely got better at this subject. And the amount of times of me being picked up by my teachers or owners decreased significantly. I think I got by with a minimal passing grade in Play Time.

Well during this last class I thankfully got my act together and did receive my degree. My parents were so proud of me. Looking back at it, I was pretty proud of myself. I went into this grade being the smallest kid in school. And graduated being one of the bigger pups in my class. And during this growth spurt of mine, I also matured and got my degree. Now I can get a job, and start earning some money to put food in my dish and toys in my box.

But lets be honest...... I am still a pup and still go back to my silly puppy behaviors. It was just so tempting with my folks waving my diploma in front of my face. I just wanted to take a bite of it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Younger Days

This picture to my left was the first day I was with my parents. It was in the car on my way to my new home. At first I threw a fit, screaming and whining but I soon settled in and became very sweet. For the most part I am a good car rider. Once we hit the smooth freeways I fall right asleep. It also helps being wrapped in my Mom's arms.

To the right, is a picture of me and my mom cuddling. This is one of my favorite hobbies. I love cuddling with my folks especially on their bed or the couch. Unfortunately they are starting to crack the whip a little bit and I am not allowed on the couch as much. I hope things will change. I will just have to look extra cute. They will give in.

This picture on the left was me snuggling on my Dad's lap after my first meal. The food knocked me right out and I needed something comfortable to lay my head on. Thanks for being there for me Dad.

And finally this last picture is of me about to go do something mischievous after my parents have fallen asleep. It is so easy to wear them down. Then I get to take control of the house. I wonder what I am going to go chew on.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

My parents think it is really funny to attach things to my collar where it is out of reach of my puppy beak. Little do they know, that when I get this object off of my collar I am going to rip it to shreds. Then the joke will be on them. (Sorry the video is a little dark)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter and Holidays

After lots of begging and pretending that I had to go potty (this works every time......I just go and stand by the door and look at it and they take me out. Silly parents) my Dad decided to take me out in the snow and let me run around and play. I mainly sniffed and ate the snow as it tasted so good. Of course I love the snow since I have an obsession with water too. I wish it could snow every day. The snow and winter really remind me of the holidays. I had a lot of holiday first this year. My first Halloween, Christmas, and New Year Eve. I am going to share a little bit of my holidays with you.

Technically this is not what I wore on Halloween. Mom and Dad tried to make me a ghost costume, but I was not having any of it. I was a young lad at the time and now I have matured into a more patient pup. When I was at Grandma and Granpa Yost's house they let me borrow Zoe's yellow submarine costume. I loved it.

Around Christmas time my folks decided to dress me up as a Reindeer. I was ok with this idea. I really wanted to be Rudolph (as he is my favorite reindeer) but we didnt have a red nose. So I went as Blitzen. This was great fun until they made me wear the t-shirt.

And the most recent holiday I got to celebrate was New Years Eve. I was really looking forward to it. I had my party hat on and was ready to rock. Mom and Dad dressed up in really silly costumes. I thought we were going to have a great time tonight. That was until I was put in my kennel at 9pm. And I fell asleep at 930 missing the entire countdown. Oh well maybe next year when I am able to stay up longer. Happy New Years everyone!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Best Friend

This past weekend I had a really good time with my good friend Danny. Danny is a 5 month old yellow lab. We spent days together at Grandma and Grandpa Martinez's house playing out in the fields. The two of us ran in the fields, played fetch and chase, and also went swimming. Swimming is one of my favorite activities. I can often be found in my grandparents pond swimming laps by myself (I often find ways to entertain myself as I am an only child at this time). I love getting the exercise. Here is a picture that my Grandma took of me and my good friend. As you can see we just got done playing tug (hence the chewed up rope on the ground next to us). I got to spend 5 days with the Martinez family. This is what I usually look like after a day in the fields.
Then I got to spend a day with Grandma and Grandpa Yost. They also have a dog named Zoe. Zoe and I have an interesting relationship. I love her, but I feel her love for me is not so much. I often want to give her puppy kisses but she wants nothing of it and often runs and hides into the other room. I hope as I grow older and into a more mature pup, that my relationship with Zoe will get better. Time will tell. I also loved my quick visit to my Aunt and Uncles house. Thanks guys for watching me as my Mom and Dad went out to lunch.

Now I am back home with my parents. It is currently snowing outside and is very cold. I am hoping they will take me out into the snow a little bit so I can run and roll around in this stuff. I love when it snows. I love eating the snow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Beginning

Good day followers!

This blog is all about me and will contain things I encounter on a daily basis. I am starting this blog as an 8 month old yellow labrador. I am still a puppy and am loving life. I plan on showing some pictures and sharing some experiences of my younger days to give you a better understanding of who I am, Flynn. Just want to give you a heads up. I am a dog. I do not have thumbs, and cannot use my fingers to peck at the keyboard. I often hit multiple keys when I apply my paw to the keyboard. So please overlook the typing mistakes as I do not know how to type.

I want to welcome you into my life. I am a cute adorable puppy who loves to show off. Check me out....