Me as a young pup!

Me as a young pup!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Best Friend

This past weekend I had a really good time with my good friend Danny. Danny is a 5 month old yellow lab. We spent days together at Grandma and Grandpa Martinez's house playing out in the fields. The two of us ran in the fields, played fetch and chase, and also went swimming. Swimming is one of my favorite activities. I can often be found in my grandparents pond swimming laps by myself (I often find ways to entertain myself as I am an only child at this time). I love getting the exercise. Here is a picture that my Grandma took of me and my good friend. As you can see we just got done playing tug (hence the chewed up rope on the ground next to us). I got to spend 5 days with the Martinez family. This is what I usually look like after a day in the fields.
Then I got to spend a day with Grandma and Grandpa Yost. They also have a dog named Zoe. Zoe and I have an interesting relationship. I love her, but I feel her love for me is not so much. I often want to give her puppy kisses but she wants nothing of it and often runs and hides into the other room. I hope as I grow older and into a more mature pup, that my relationship with Zoe will get better. Time will tell. I also loved my quick visit to my Aunt and Uncles house. Thanks guys for watching me as my Mom and Dad went out to lunch.

Now I am back home with my parents. It is currently snowing outside and is very cold. I am hoping they will take me out into the snow a little bit so I can run and roll around in this stuff. I love when it snows. I love eating the snow.


  1. Flynn- You are looking good in that picture with Danny. I am glad you two are friends. It was great to see you this weekend. Did you get to play in the snow? I was wanting to play in the snow today, but there was no snow after all. Lame. We should all go to the mountain together, ask your parents.
